Unless you just awoke from a coma, you are probably aware that there is some stuff happening in the formerly gun friendly state of Virginia. Things got bad, then worse, and they are still continuing to degrade. Have you ever heard a gun control proponent say something along the lines of “You don’t need guns. This is modern day America. How could you ever be subject to tyranny?” Well, the state government in Virginia is proving tyranny still exists, and they keep on proving it, day after day after day.
Here is a quick recap for those just regaining consciousness. In November, 2019, Virginia voters elected a Democrat supermajority into the state legislature, much resembling the one sided representation of my home state of California. Once that supermajority took office, they began crafting gun control bill after gun control bill, which since those writing the bills have a supermajority, they were sure to pass. Since Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is not only a Democrat, but is also pushing for more gun control, those bills are sure to become law.
The gun control bills being written also happen to be very extreme. They are so broad that they covered nearly every modern handgun and rifle, and included sending law enforcement door to door to seize firearms the state suddenly decided it’s citizens could no longer posses. They also wrote bills which would prevent firearms training, self-defense training, eliminate militias, eliminate voter identification requirements, and more.
Virginians suddenly started to wake up to what was happening. County after county began declaring themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries.” Currently, 91 out of the 95 counties in the state have done so. Sheriffs across the state began publicly stating that they will refuse to enforce any new gun control laws that might be enacted. This is when the tyranny of the leftists began to show its head.
Northam, seeing that the cops were refusing to enforce the laws they were attempting to pass , decided to threaten to do what any good tyrant does – send in the military! Not only was the governor threatening to send in the military to enforce the gun laws, but leftists in charge decided that they would do everything they could to pressure the cops into enforcing the unconstitutional laws, so they dug up a bill that would require cops refusing to comply to be fired immediately.
In addition to the sanctuary counties, Virginians saw what the left was trying to do to their state, and they began sincere discussions about establishing a recall petition to remove Northam from office. Seeing the writing on the wall, Virginia democrats scrambling to keep power quickly throw together a bill to change the recall process. Virginia House Bill 842, which was introduced on January 7, 2020, would make recalling an elected official significantly more difficult. Currently, their recall law requires the number of signatures needed to be at least 10% of the number of votes in the last election. The new law would change that to 25%.
Then, because none of that was enough to prove that he is a tyrant, Northam went two steps further. There is a planned pro-2A rally set for Monday, January 20 at the Virginia state capital. Like with all pro-gun rallies in states with open carry laws, supporters were planning on carrying their firearms with them. Doing so is not remotely out of the ordinary. In an attempt to prevent that from happening, Northam declared a “planned state of emergency.” He decreed that from Friday January 17, 2020 through Tuesday, January 21, 2020, no firearms would be allowed on the capital grounds.
Then, after news got out that he was going to do this, it is pointed out to Northam by a former Virginia state delegate, Mike Watson, that he could not legally prevent firearms from being brought onto the capital grounds by declaring a state of emergency
Like any good tyrant, Northam continued his tyranny and issued an executive order (EO 49) in which he decreed the state capital grounds to be a “shelter” for the safety of employees, thus trying to squeeze the entire capital grounds into one of the exceptions in the2012 law, which ironically, he voted in favor of.

It does not matter what year it is, or where you live, tyranny still exists, and once in a position of power, tyrants will do everything they possibly can to stay in that position. Ralph Northam and the leftist legislators supporting him are living, acting proof that tyranny can indeed happen again here in the United States. So next time some gun control supporter tries to insinuate that there is no possibility of coming under tyrannical rule here in the US, point them to Virginia in January of 2020.
Tyrants always gunna tyrant!
What you are seeing right now in Virginia is the EXACT reason that the Second Amendment exists. It makes me very proud to see so many of our bothers and sisters in blue standing with the citizens of Virginia.