
The testimonials you see listed here are all from verified law enforcement officers located throughout the United States. The state listed after their name is the state in which they serve(d) as a cop. Some are still working, while others are retired, but we all swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, which includes the entire Bill of Rights, and that oath does not expire.

If you see (LNW) where a last name would appear, that stands for Last Name Withheld. That is being done due to 1st Amendment restrictions some cops face because of department policy.

If you are a law enforcement officer in the US, either active or retired, and you want to be included here, please send us a message on our Facebook page and we will let you know what we need to get you added.

Robert Waugh, Investigator, CA (Ret)

My law enforcement career spanned four decades, beginning in the late 70’s and ending this year. I was shot at three times, never once did I blame the firearm, only the suspect. My sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution never ends and always includes the 2nd Amendment

Bruce (LNW), Deputy Sheriff, CA

In all of my career, I have seen guns possessed by lawful citizens do no harm, except to protect and save lives. It’s the criminals who use firearms to cause harm. I am grateful the lawful owners could protect themselves until we arrived, almost always after the crime was complete.

Bob Smyth, Officer (Ret) & Deputy Sheriff, FL

As a military veteran and a 32 year law enforcement officer, I believe law abiding citizens not only have the right to bear arms under the constitution, but they also have a responsibility, and an obligation to keep themselves and their families safe. Because when seconds count the police are only minutes away.

Donald (LNW), Officer, NC

14 years ago I swore an oath to the Constitution, to the USA and all her people. The first amendment is guarded by the second amendment. I won’t negotiate on either of those. The day I’m forced to take a law abiding man’s weapons is the day I turn in my badge.

Jesse Parks, Detective, FL (Ret)

In both my military and LE careers I swore the oath to support and defend. Nowhere in there did it exclude any of the affirmed rights. “Shall not be infringed” seems pretty clear to me. Not only do I support the 2A, I support the repeal of the NFA.

Matt Silvey, Deputy Sheriff, CA (Ret)

I swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution, and that included the Second Amendment. I will always support the right of law abiding Americans to own firearms, up to and including “assault weapons.”


Michael James, Officer, CA

Our Founding Fathers felt it so important to protect the right to keep and bear arms, it was included in the Bill of Rights. In service to my Country and community, I swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I intend to do so.

Curtis (LNW), Detective, TX

Over the course of my 31 year career, I’ve seen far too many people who were victims, who could have defended themselves, had the public mood and stigma of firearms not been what it is. They were good people. They should be trusted. But… The anti-gun line being sold is they can’t be. I reject that.

Joe Anon, Deputy Sheriff, CA

The oaths I swore to support and defend the Constitution as a soldier and as a cop have no expiration. They will never be compromised. I STRONGLY support the right of our people to be armed. Always have. Always will. “…I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”