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In this episode, you will get to meet the creators of 2A Cops, Keith Graves and Matt Silvey. With over 50 years of combined law enforcement experience, they know what cops think about the second amendment and what cops are doing to defend the 2A every day.
Matt spent 22 years as a deputy sheriff, a career from which he retired in January, 2019. During his time as a LEO he attended countless firearms training classes, was a California POST certified firearms instructor, and a court recognized firearms expert. During his career, he was directly involved in two officer involved shootings, so he has a little experience when it comes to self-defense shootings and the “360° range.”
Matt began writing pieces for public consumption in 2012 at a political blog, but quickly found more enjoyment in writing about one of his lifelong interests, firearms. In addition to his own blog, Matt has had pieces published at The Bang Switch (now defunct), Full 30, Law Enforcement Today, The Daily Caller, 2A News, and Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement.
Keith is a retired police sergeant from the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a 20 year SWAT veteran with assignments as entry team member, sniper, sniper team leader and EMT. Keith was a firearms instructor with certifications as a Precision Rifle Instructor, submachine gun instructor, “shoot house” instructor, and patrol rifle instructor.
Keith has taught tactics and firearms classes to students across the United States and has taught other courses worldwide including Australasia and Europe. Keith is also a recipient of the prestigious California Narcotics Officer of the Year award.
After retiring, Keith fled California for the United States and now lives Idaho where he enjoys having his 2nd Amendment rights back.
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