It is no secret that the billionaire, former New York City mayor, and current Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is fervently anti-gun. It is also not a secret that he funds a significant portion of both Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action, which both falsely represent themselves as “grassroots” organizations.
In a press release issued jointly by the two “grassroots” organizations, the did what those who seek to enact more gun control always do: make outlandish claims about how gun control laws save lives.
“These local officials may say they’re ‘defending the constitution,’ but they’re actually ripping it apart,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund. “Americans expect our sheriffs and law enforcement to uphold their oaths, respect the will of the people, and enforce the laws of their states — and that most definitely includes life-saving gun safety laws.”
(Emphasis included in press release, not added by us)
I find it very odd how the anti-gun folks so willingly ignore one particular amendment (the Second) whenever they discuss the constitutionality of legislation. The sheriffs and county supervisors of the ever growing list of counties in Virginia, and spreading to other states, are in fact doing exactly what their oath entailed, namely upholding and defending the constitution from domestic enemies.
The reason that they want to shred the Second Amendment, at least the reason they claim, may be altruistically motivated, but that does not change the fact that what they are doing is an attack on the bill of rights. The proposed laws that Virginia is up in arms over were not even slight infringements. They were severely over the top, which is why so many sheriffs and other elected officials took the immediate, history making actions that they took.
“These so-called ‘Sanctuary Counties’ fly in the face of our Democratic norms and threaten to defy the will of the vast majority of Americans who support stronger gun laws,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. “The laws these localities are threatening to refuse to enforce, like red flag laws, have already been ruled constitutional — and have been proven to save lives. Instead of cutting them off at the knees, we should let law enforcement officers do their jobs and use every tool possible to keep families safe.”
(Again, emphasis is all theirs, not ours)

It starts to get comical when they quote Howard Graves from the Southern Poverty Law Center who claims that the push for Second Amendment Sanctuaries is racist and has roots in white supremacy. Has anyone from the Southern Poverty Law Center ever seen anything anywhere that was not deemed by them to somehow be racist?
The fact of the matter is, gun control itself is born from racism. I find it funny how they choose to ignore the well documented racist history of gun control while at the same time, claiming that those who want everyone to be able to own guns, no matter their skin color, are the racists.
Further on in their press release, things go from bad to just plain ridiculous. They literally start quoting a letter that they themselves wrote, in which they tell a fictional what-if scenario, designed to tug at the heart strings of the reader, as if it is actual evidence of something.
The letter puts in stark terms the real-world implications of these resolutions:
“Imagine a mother whose son possesses a cache of firearms, but is watching him become mentally unstable and erratic. The mother may want to request an extreme risk order to have her son’s firearms temporarily removed while she seeks help for him. In many states, only law enforcement can request an extreme risk order. If the mother lives in an area where a county board or sheriff has announced they will not pursue or enforce such orders based on their personal opinion that the law is unconstitutional, the mother may be too scared or confused to request one from her sheriff, with deadly results.
The ironic part of this whole situation is that all of these people, from Bloomberg on down, have no interest in having the “honest discussion” that they so often claim to want. I commented one time to Moms Demand Action on Twitter. I politely, professionally said I was a career cop who disagreed that gun control could save lives and suggested we discuss it. I was instantly blocked on both the Demanding Moms and Shannon Watts’ twitter accounts.
All Bloomberg’s “grassroots” groups want is to get exactly what they want, and how dare anyone disagree. Bloomberg’s Demanding Moms from Everytown are now demanding that a great number of towns, counties, in fact, most of an entire state capitulate to the desires of people who do not even live there.
As we have mentioned in a piece published last week, we were happy to see the sheriffs in Virginia taking a stand and upholding the oath they took to defend the constitution, and the rights of the citizens in their jurisdictions. We stand with them in support of those efforts.